Wednesday, April 3, 2024

From the Poet Princess: Haiku


Here are three Haiku poems written by a young teen I call the Poet Princess. 

Amaia M. (13)


Autumn leaves descend, 

Drifting on the gentle breeze, 

Nature's quiet grace.


Moonlight on the lake,

Ripples dance across the waves, 

Sweet tranquility


Spring blossoms unfold,

Petals softly kiss the air,

Nature's symphony

©2024 Amaia M. All rights reserved.
A Knight Chills poetic presentation.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Trapped Inside by Nomar Knight


Trapped Inside  By Nomar Knight

Stuck on repeat, my mind's a cage, 

Used to be bright, now filled with rage. 

Darkness leaks out, a chilling tide, 

Smiling feels forced, nowhere to hide.

Demons whisper, fueled by desire,

They claw at my soul, set my heart on fire. 

Ripped open and left to bleed, 

Evil planting its evil disgusting seed.

Memories flicker, love's faded glow, 

Longing for peace, a place to go. 

Dark birds circle, their eyes so cold, 

Does anyone see the story untold?

Feels like the light's fading fast, 

Questions unanswered, shadows cast.

 Numbness creeps in, a chilling wait, 

While circling vultures seal my fate.

The monsters howl, a symphony of dread, 

Surrounded by darkness, left for dead. 

The weight of the world, a crushing blow, 

A lost soul with nowhere to go.

But wait...a flicker, a spark ignites, 

A tiny flame pushing back the night. 

Maybe there's hope, a chance to fight, 

To break free from this endless night.

©2024 Nomar Knight. All rights reserved.
A Knight Chills poetic presentation.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Do You Mindfulness? by Nomar Knight


Do You Mindfulness? 

By Nomar Knight

     When I was a kid, I was often told to mind my own business. Now, as an adult, I find myself learning about a life-changing tool called mindfulness. Essentially, mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment. Given that I grew up in bustling New York City, this task presents a unique challenge for me. However, I believe that practicing mindfulness can transform me into a more relaxed and productive version of myself.

    As someone who struggles with anxiety, I prefer to avoid complicated techniques. That's why I appreciate that mindfulness encompasses a variety of practices, including meditation, yoga, and simply paying attention to my breathing and body sensations. Taking moments to slow down and shut out the distractions of the outside world is crucial for my well-being.

    Over the years, I've noticed a pattern of negative thoughts that only exacerbate my anxiety. Focusing on any one thing for an extended period of time is a rare feat for me. With mindfulness, I hope to improve my ability to concentrate on tasks over time. Being self-aware of my reactions and behaviors will also be crucial in managing my emotions. Mindfulness promises to increase emotional regulation, which would benefit me greatly as a junior high school teacher. Though I typically maintain a cool demeanor, there are moments when my inner suspense writer wants to take over and handle situations in an action movie kind of way. Luckily, I've learned to leave those impulses to my fictional writing and rely on my charming personality in real life.

© Copyright Nomar Knight 2023. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Strange Behavior by Nomar Knight


Strange Behavior

by Nomar Knight

Anxiety and depression have made me feel like a stranger in my own skin. My short-term memory isn't as sharp as it used to be, and I'm not sure if it's due to stress or the side effects of the Covid vaccine. I've noticed changes in my thought process and behavior, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to function.

Lately, I've been experiencing repetitive brain fog. I'll put items in the back of my car, only to stop on the side of the road to check if they're still there. What used to be a simple recall of memory now feels like a lit candle losing oxygen, struggling to stay alight. My mind feels clouded, and it's affecting my daily life.

Despite my passion for writing, my condition often leaves me feeling uninspired and unmotivated. It's as if my creativity is trapped at the bottom of a well, and I can't seem to access it. I long to craft interesting characters and embark on wondrous journeys, but my anxiety holds me back.

Procrastination is a constant battle for me, and my anxiety only exacerbates the issue. I know that I need to stick to a routine of writing, planning, and scheming, but it's easier said than done. I'll try to start fresh tomorrow, and hopefully, I can finally claim a victory over my procrastination.

© Copyright Nomar Knight 2023. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Thoughts of a Crying Soul by Nomar Knight

Thoughts of a Crying Soul

By Nomar Knight

I feel lost in life and everything seems difficult, like crawling on glass. My pain leaves a trail of broken hearts, and I'm overwhelmed by the constant loneliness. Numbness spreads through my body, and I dread the thought of facing another day of torture.

I've become a creature of habit, afraid to leave the safety of my routine. I keep myself busy with mundane tasks and avoid anything that might awaken the beast within me.

During the day, I try to stay focused and avoid anything that might trigger memories of happier times. But at night, the past creeps in, and I'm haunted by thoughts of love and the life I could never have. I long for the touch of a loved one, but it only leads to more pain and misery.

© Copyright Nomar Knight 2023. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022



A Long Kiss Goodnight: The Return of Evil By Nomar Knight I wish I could tell you I escaped an unforgettable nightmare. My readers probably speculated that I had been on an adventure of a lifetime only to reemerge after a four-year absence. Perhaps, some wondered if the vampire Lorraina finally got her way and held me captive in one of her dungeons. The torture she had unleashed on so many of her victims would make anyone cringe from the brutality her warped mind conjured. So what particular carnage awaited me? The last time I set eyes on her, she had grown impatient. She used her sexual charm to entice me to write her life story. She parsed some of my blood and then forced me to drink hers. The side effects alone drove me insane. Visions of victims suffering her wrath and how she fed her massive ego still haunt my dreams. Screams! To this day, I wake to loud, unrelenting sounds of immense misery. But, eventually, the cries fade into a past I did not experience. Perhaps Lorraina’s victims cry out for justice. Maybe those lost souls want me to end her immortality, so they bombard my nights, revealing the fear that had consumed them until she mercifully ended their meager existence. I hate it when I see past events through her eyes. Now, I notice that I’m highly cynical toward my species. Suddenly shifting from pro-humanity to anti-people simply because Lorraina’s biased views corrupted my thoughts was sickening. But unfortunately, I recall one night when she compared humanity with demon excrement. As far as she was concerned, people are food. I growled, angry at how she contaminated my soul. My innate kindness faded with every pounding of the keyboard. My dark muse opened a window into a morbid world where life and death match our present reality. Sadly, this brings me to my current predicament–the plague. Lorraina had survived several of them, proving that being a vampire had benefits. As I hid in isolation, I watched the news of many lives lost to an invisible killer. At first, the misery of watching people die on a global scale made my skin crawl. I, like so many others, lost family members. The pain of never being able to talk with them again eats away at the fabric of positivity that flickers inside my soul. With all the constant changes surrounding humanity, I got inflicted with a different kind of disease, and the biggest reason for my antisocial existence–depression! The pandemic had taken a toll on–Wait! Movement outside my house distracted me. Then, a familiar figure appeared at my living room window. I couldn’t believe it. I exclaimed, “She survived again?” The vampire, Lorraina Sandoval, stood at the entrance of my home. My heartbeat exploded as she gently wrapped knuckles against the metal door. Beads of sweat cascaded on my skin. The intense humidity intensified. “Let me in, Nomar.” The way she said my name sounded like a tired mom singing a soft lullaby. Anyone oblivious to the monster outside would assume she was a high school kid. I opened my mouth to speak, yet not a sound came out. She gently knocked again. “Nomar?” Lorraina spoke in a monotonous tone. “Don’t you want to know why you’re still alive?” Thoughts about my fragile mortality rushed at the forefront of my mind, increasing my fear. “Let me in, darling.” Against my own will, my hands reached for the door, trembling like a soul preparing to jump into a pit of fire. © Copyright Nomar Knight 2023. All rights reserved. A Knight Chills Flash Fiction Presentation.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Lifeless Soul by Nomar Knight

Lifeless Soul
By Nomar Knight

I'm a prisoner of my mind
No longer warm and kind
Darkness escapes my pores
Simple smile becomes a chore

The demons come from need
Gauging eyes until I bleed
Ripped my heart from my chest
Life's cruelest horror test

Play back old scenes of love
In search of peaceful doves
Black ravens caw and stare
And nobody seems to care

The end squeezes life dry
Never answering why
Nothing left but wait and die
While vultures circle dark sky

Sounds of hell hounds abound
Evil creatures surround
The final bill is due
Lifeless soul without a clue

©2018 Nomar Knight. All rights reserved.
A Knight Chills poetic presentation.